
Company Magazine, Natalie Lines Fashion Illustrations

Ok Ladies and Gents, the sad time has arrive, it's the last printed edition of Company magazine, and I am truly sad. As i've mentioned before I absolutely adored company for years now, they gave me my first illustration break, and really believed in me, I thought the magazine was going in an amazing direction with unique content and brilliant staff, i'm glad to hear they're continuing online though. These are the latest pieces i've done for them, and I am over whelmed at how lovely they look! The theme was bright bold colours with dramatic eyes and lips, It took a lot of work to get them here and i'm massivley proud with the result. I'm happy to say that you can buy one of these illustrations in A4 for £10 or A3 for £17 HERE. I'd love to know what you think of these drawings as they're a little different to my usual style!

One of the first looks which was due to be published (below) but i had to change it around to feature the pink and blue look instead, I really wanted to show this piece as i really did love the oranges and blues together, As i mentioned before, get a lovely print HERE and pop it on your wall. I think it's so striking with the burnt orange hues. 


Make sure you pick up the final copy, it's bursting with beautiful fashion tips, expertly designed and all over lovely! Have you also seen that you can win one of my newest Illustrations? Either Retweet, share on Facebook or Regram to place your entry to the giveaway, Exciting hey! 


  1. It's sad about Company magazine. My sister in law used to work for Company too.

  2. Love this so so much! What a pity!


  3. So sad about Company, especially as one of the things I've always loved about it has been your illustrations, they've always brought so much colour and beauty to the pages. I especially loved the ones from this month's issue, and immediately knew they were yours. You are such an inspiration.
